Potions, Tinctures, and Balms

  • Beauty of the Natural World

    There is a need for understanding what the natural world has to offer us, a chance to experience the magic of herbs and spices in the full spectrum of their magic.

  • Magic in the Mundane

    Here, everything is exalted to its highest potential. We aim to find magic in the mundane, from kitchen shelves to essential oils pulled out
    through slow and mindful extraction.

  • Slowing Down

    Our core purpose is to inspire you to slow down in the highly charged day-to-day living. It is a chance to fully immerse yourself in the moment, whether it's a bath, drinking tea, or evening cocktails.

  • Expanding the Senses

    We hope to encourage people to extend their belief systems beyond mainstream culture. Mindful living has little to do with lists and things to do, it's simply be-ing.

What is Ro's Apothecary all about?

Evolving from medieval medicine
cabinets to an assortment of artisanal goods, the apothecary is a place of wonder. We are committed to delivering handmade products that reflect our philosophy of slow and mindful living.