About Us

An apothecary derives its heritage from medicine shops, with tinctures and bitter blends that made use of herbs and household items. While we don’t claim any pharmaceutical pursuits our purpose is steeped in returning to the same reverence for common ingredients and blending them to create something magical. There is an absolute freedom at play here, you are welcome to take these products at their face value where we hope to integrate them into your daily life as a means of meditative mindfulness – in simple terms you put your phone away and you do the thing and it feels good. For others, the curious ones, there is an opportunity to peek behind the proverbial veil, to take in the inherent magic associated with these ingredients and whether by taste, touch, or smell allow them to open you up to the ephemeral magic that is all around us.


Every potion, infusion, oil, and candle is brewed with a specific intention. We are here to work with what nature has afforded us and integrate that into a sort of flow to the way we live. Things that don’t have specific symptoms like hopelessness, writer’s block, the pinpricks of self-doubt, yet they can take up so much of our mental and emotional real estate. Each of our products is a tool to work with as an internal examination as to why certain things trigger us, where we have room to change to grow, what our own intention is to put out into the world. And thus, we return to a sort of mindfulness that is practical that is actually do-able, executable rather than an abstraction one may read about. It is the observation of a situation, which we then meditate upon and slowly make sense of until we are able to make it work with us – not against us. And this is what inner alchemy is all about.


You don’t need to go running with the wolves and deep diving into the ocean for secret ingredients, all the magic lies right in front of us always within reach. Welcome to the cabinet of curiosities


- Ro.