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Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz

Regular price Rs. 400.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 400.00
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Smoky Quartz is one of the most versatile stones with regards to grounding your energy and protecting your auric field. Often times with the prolonged exposure to technology, screens, and the proverbial 'hustle' we end up with a sense of fatigue, or an overstimulation of the senses that is symptomatic of modern living. For some this may even manifest as generalised anxiety. Smoky Quartz can help recalibrate the energies of the body and the mind in such times, slowing down the intense vibrations of living in the matrix. This can then allow you to appreciate the present moment a lot more and guide you on the path to mindful living. 

Besides this, it is also a great stone for sharpening your focus. Smoky Quartz can help you find the drive and determination that sometimes feels lost in our daily lives. These personal tools can assist you to bring your dreams, wants, and desires into reality. By putting your own needs first, this stone can become one of the strongest manifestation tools in your arsenal. It has remarkable transformation strength that can help push one into a new life direction if they’re unhappy with the status quo.

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